The physical and emotional suffering caused by a disfiguring injury cannot be overstated. Not only will most victims undergo numerous painful surgical procedures, many will also suffer the emotional effects of having their appearance dramatically altered. Baltimore Workers’ Compensation lawyers at Leviness, Tolzman & Hamilton help those who have suffered permanent scarring or disfigurement because of a work injury obtain the compensation they need to help them recover and move on with their lives.
Disfigurement can dramatically damage the psyche of an injured employee. To that end, Workers’ Compensation benefits may be paid even after a victim has physically healed from their work injury. Mental injuries such as depression and anger are not uncommon and may prevent a worker from returning to their job long after physical healing is complete.
Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Maryland
For an injury to be compensable, the injured party must be able to prove that the harm was caused by an accidental injury that occurred out of and in the course of employment. Injured workers are entitled to two-thirds of their average weekly wage while they heal. If the employee is able to return to work on a part-time basis, he or she may see temporary partial disability benefits representing 50% of the difference between their pre-injury and post-injury wages. Permanent total disability payments may be awarded indefinitely if the individual is rendered permanently disabled by their work injury.
Permanent partial disability benefits are available to employees who may recover but will likely never be the same, such as those who suffer an amputation or in some cases, a severe disfigurement. With permanent partial awards, benefits are payable for up to 250 weeks or more, depending upon the nature and severity of the injury.
Obtaining Compensation for a Disfiguring Injury
To secure Workers’ Compensation benefits in connection with mutilation or disfigurement, it is necessary to establish that the injury is both serious and permanent. An disfiguring injury to a lower extremity will not be considered compensable even if it results in unseemly scarring. Instead, an injury typically qualifies as disfigurement only if it involves the face, neck, head, arms or hands. In general, an injury is considered permanent when it is present and visible for at least six months. Claimants may not receive a payment for disfigurement if he or she has already received a Workers’ Compensation benefit award for the same injured body part.
The rate of Workers’ Compensation paid for disfiguring injuries is at the discretion of the Maryland Workers Compensation Commission. For this reason, injured workers are strongly advised to seek the counsel of a qualified Workers’ Compensation lawyer to help ensure they receive the full amount of benefits to which they are entitled.
Preventing Disfiguring Work Injuries
Workers at risk of potentially disfiguring injuries should always wear protective gear. Face masks with neck guards can help minimize the damage from chemical splash. Similarly, workers who must handle combustible or extremely hot materials must wear gloves that protect not only hands but also arms. Any worker who is disfigured in a workplace accident must promptly notify their employer and signify their intent to seek Workers’ Compensation benefits.
Baltimore Workers’ Compensation Lawyers at LeViness, Tolzman & Hamilton Represent Workers Suffering From Permanent Scars and Disfigurement
The Baltimore Workers’ Compensation lawyers at LeViness, Tolzman & Hamilton understand the unique challenges posed by a disfigurement or scar stemming from a work injury in Maryland. Call us at 844-556-4LAW (7529) or contact us online today to arrange your free consultation at our office in Baltimore, where we represent clients injured in work-related accidents throughout the region.