Types of Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Maryland

If you have been hurt on the job, or a member of your family has been fatally injured in a workplace accident, you may be entitled to various benefits under Maryland Workers’ Compensation law. However, if you are like most people, you may be unsure about the best way to proceed with your claim. The Workers’ Compensation process is complex and rife with potential pitfalls. Without a full understanding of your rights, there is a good chance that you will recover less than what your injury is worth, or even be denied benefits altogether. Baltimore Workers’ Compensation lawyers at LeViness, Tolzman & Hamilton provide qualified assistance for those who have been affected by accidental work injuries, hernias, and occupational diseases. We fight to get you the most out of your Workers’ Compensation claim so that you can begin to heal and move on with your life.

Lump Sum Settlements

At times, we will negotiate with an insurance company on behalf of an injured worker to obtain a lump sum settlement. In certain situations, it may be in the best interest of the injured employee to accept a lump sum settlement. Our legal team will review the specifics of your case and determine the best method of obtaining all entitled benefits after a work injury.

Medical Expenses

If you were injured in a workplace accident or suffer from an occupational illness, Maryland Workers’ Compensation will cover the cost of your medical care. You are entitled to these services for as long as is necessary to treat the work-related injury or illness. Covered expenses typically include:

  • Doctors visits
  • Hospitalization and surgery
  • Nursing services and physical therapy
  • Prescription medications
  • Reimbursement for travel to healthcare providers
  • Medical devices such as crutches and/or prosthetics

Wage Loss Benefits

Being unable to work because of a job-related injury or illness can create a financial hardship that is difficult to recover from. Workers’ Compensation can help to ease this burden by reimbursing a portion of your lost wages. The amount of benefits can vary significantly depending on the unique nature of your case. Wage loss benefits are divided into the following four categories:

  • Temporary Total Disability – If your injury prevents you from returning to work for a period of time, Workers’ Compensation will pay you two-thirds of your average weekly wage up to a maximum cap. Payments end when you return to work or when your doctor determines that your injury has healed to the point where no further improvement is expected.
  • Temporary Partial Disability –If your condition is such that you are able to work part-time or on light duty, Workers’ Compensation will supplement a portion of your lost wages.
  • Permanent Partial Disability – If your injury has left you with a permanent impairment but does not prohibit you from working, you may still be entitled to additional compensation. Payments are based on your average weekly wage before you became disabled, the specific body part injured and the severity of the injury.
  • Permanent Total Disability – If your injury is so severe that you cannot perform any work of any kind and your condition is not expected to improve, you may be entitled to receive two-thirds of your average weekly pay for life.

Vocational Rehabilitation

Under some circumstances, your work injury may prevent you from ever returning to your former profession. When this is the case, Workers’ Compensation will pay for vocational assistance to help prepare you for a new job. Services are available for up to two years and include job training, professional counseling, and job placement.

Death and Funeral Benefits

If a workplace accident results in an employee’s death, the surviving spouse and other dependants may be entitled to death and funeral benefits. Payments are generally payable in the amount of two-thirds the deceased worker’s average weekly wage up to a maximum cap.

Baltimore Workers’ Compensation Lawyers at LeViness, Tolzman & Hamilton Take Action on Behalf of Injured Workers and Their Families

Baltimore Workers’ Compensation lawyers at LeViness, Tolzman & Hamilton are dedicated to helping those who have been injured at work recover the full amount of benefits to which they are entitled. Contact our offices today to find out how we can put our extensive experience and knowledge of the law to work for you. Call 844-556-4LAW (4529) to arrange a free review of your case or contact us online.