Baltimore Criminal Defense Lawyer
Theft Crimes Defense
Get the Help You Need After a Shoplifting, Grand Larceny or Identity Theft Arrest
Theft is exerting unauthorized control over property with the intention to deprive the owners of use or possession. Theft occurs if you willfully use, conceal or abandon the property in a way that denies the owners of their rights. The victim can be another person, a corporation or a government agency. An accusation of theft is serious and may result in harsh consequences unless you get the guidance you need to successfully fight the charge.
LeViness, Tolzman & Hamilton has provided assertive criminal defense for over 33 years in shoplifting, petty theft, grand larceny, identify theft and other types of property offenses. Our Maryland criminal defense lawyers work together to achieve the most positive outcome for your case.
Penalties For Misdemeanor Theft in Maryland and Around the State
Whether you are charged with a misdemeanor or felony depends on several factors, including your criminal record and the value of the property you are accused of stealing. You are typically charged with a misdemeanor for property valued:
- Under $1,000 — Up to 18 months’ incarceration
- Under $100 — Up to 90 days in jail
Multiple convictions can result in substantially longer sentences.
Felony Theft
Felonies are the more serious level of crime. In addition to a lengthier prison term, you are also subject to other long-term negative repercussions involving your right to own a firearm, your eligibility to vote, your immigration status and your employment opportunities. Theft is considered a felony if the property is valued at:
- $1,000 to $10,000 — up to 10 years in prison
- $10,000 to $100,000 — up to 15 years’ imprisonment
- Over $100,000 — up to 25 years’ incarceration
Theft With a Weapon
If you took the property directly from another person or in a person’s presence by use of force or threat, the theft may be charged as a robbery. This is often the case when assault or threat with a firearm is involved. Because robbery is classified as a violent crime, you face harsher penalties than those for simple theft of property.
The court also imposes victim restitution and fines for all types of theft and robbery convictions. You may also be subject to forfeiture proceedings to seize property to pay off your criminal judgment.
Baltimore Criminal Defense Lawyers at LeViness, Tolzman & Hamilton Raise a Strong Defense Against Your Theft Charges
Get the help you need to defend against all types of theft allegations. Call LeViness, Tolzman & Hamilton at 800-547-4LAW (4529) or contact our firm online to discuss the details of your case with an experienced Maryland criminal defense lawyer. Your initial appointment is free. Our Baltimore criminal defense firm represents clients throughout Maryland.